Dental and cosmetic treatments in Nottingham

At Ashfield Dental Clinic, we believe in fair and transparent pricing for all our dental services.

We're passionate about offering a clear and open pricing policy, please contact us for further information about our prices or our tailored membership plans.

Girl with beautiful white teeth on reception at the doctor dentist.

Membership Plans

Our affordable payment plans allow you to budget your routine dental examinations and hygienist appointments by spreading the cost over 12 months.

At Ashfield Dental Clinic, we understand the importance of attending regular routine appointments to ensure that any problems are detected early, and any treatment is carried out quickly to reduce the need for extensive and costly dental procedures.

Not only are your dental and hygienist costs spread over the year, you will also be able to take advantage of additional benefits including exclusive discounts for plan members and worldwide dental accident and emergency assistance.






Find a plan to suit your needs

If you would like to join or require any further information, please contact us.

Children's Dental Plan

If you would like to join or require any further information, please contact us.